Internet Banking Authorization

Please fill out the form, mail to P.O. Box 1277, Livingston, Texas 77351, fax to 936-327-3894, or return to any of our 4 convenient locations.

I (We) would like the institution to establish the following person as an Internet banking user for the indicated account(s). I (We) understand that Internet access must be carefully guarded and controlled. Security features such as passwords must be carefully safeguarded to insure that no unauthorized access or transactions can occur. I (We) understand that my (our) failure to safeguard passwords can result in transactions which I (we) will be held liable for. I (We) also understand the increased importance of reviewing my (our) banking statements and notices as soon as received.

Account 1
Account 2
Account 3
Account 4
(Customer Signature)
(Customer Signature)

For institution use only. Institution personnel should initial and complete the following as applicable: